Our Story

Africa Youth for Peace and Development

Africa Youth for Peace and Development (AYPAD) was established on 24 October 1995 in Sierra Leone and registered as a non-profit charity with the Government of Sierra Leone in 2000, holding a United Nations Economic and Social accredited Status. It was created by 7 young men who had seen harsh realities being experienced on the entire continent as a result of war and the consequent violence galore which follow. Therefore, they decided to form the organization with the vision of continental integration for peace and development for youths in the continent.

AYPAD believes in establishing opportunities for young people in Africa through our multifaceted development programs that enables peace, sustainable development, and social integration. Our goal as a non-profit charity is to create opportunities, enable and empower particularly disadvantaged young people, and the marginalized whose lives are constantly under threat because of their deprived economic and social situation.

Our organization relies solely on charitable funding and donations to ensure the survival, sustainability, and success of our projects in order to benefit the most vulnerable young people in Africa and to ensure they have a future. It has hold membership of different networks and is also affiliated to many organization such as GYAN, GYCA, Peace Child, War child Canada, WayOut International and, IFFDO. Actually, AYPAD has been registered with the governments in 29 countries across the African continent with the belief that violence achieves no meaningful goal and not a solution.

Africa Youth for Peace and Development - Profile (pdf)

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